Maker of the critically acclaimed Sherlock, Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon Violins.

Robert Louis Stevenson 170th Anniversary Tribute Violin
“The Robert Louis Stevenson 170th Anniversary Tribute Violin”, made of wood collected over many years from around Edinburgh frequented by the young RLS. Pieces of sycamore from along the banks of the Water of Leith form the violin’s back, sides and neck; with the violin’s antique weather - time-worn, beautifully knotted pine front from the remnants of the front door frame of a tumbled down shepherd’s cottage ruin in the Pentland’s ;internal wooden parts made from Union Canal willow & Firth of Forth driftwood; and the fingerboard, tailpiece, pegs and end pin fittings from a pruned branch of a tree still growing in the garden of his birthplace in Howard Place, Edinburgh.
Pictured on Colinton Dell bridge over looking the Water of Leith, next to the church where RLS spent much time as a child staying with his Grandfather.
The violin was inspired by RLS’s verse “Whither must I wander” ,which is transcribed within the instrument ,and reflects it’s musical spirit, as a true Scottish fiddle, and a voice for the natural world!