Shackleton Violin
The Shackleton Violin has been played on the RRS Discovery by a descendent of the man himself, Georgia Shackleton! Read below to find out...

Sir Ernest Shackleton Violin
Read the links below to find out about Steve's newest violin, crafted to commemorate the centenary of Sir Ernest Shackleton's death....

I agree, we agree, but do they? » The John Byrne Award
This film was nominated for a John Byrne Award! https://www.johnbyrneaward.org.uk/entries/i-agree-we-agree-but-do-they/...

World War One: The Cultural Front - Reality and Reconstruction
The Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen violins will be heard by a UK-wide audience for the first time in BBC Radio 4’s World War One: The...

Wilfred Owen's Edinburgh Enlightenment
The Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon violins will be played in duet at Craiglockhart on August 15th 2017 at a Royal Society of...

W is for Wilfred Owen: A centenary celebration of an acclaimed poet with links to Edinburgh
Thursday 17 August | 2pm - 4pm In 1917 Wilfred Owen met Siegfried Sassoon in Edinburgh and their 100 year anniversary is being celebrated...